Refund Policy

How to cancel FileFox subscriptions
FileFox allows trial users to stop using the service at any time, and paid users to cancel their paid plan at any time, with such cancellation taking effect at the next renewal date. If you cancel your plan before the next renewal cycle, you will retain access to paid features until the end of your subscription period. When your subscription expires, you will lose access to paid features.
To cancel a trial or paid plan, send an email to us at from the email linked to your account and with the title 'Cancellation'. We will then process your cancellation.
What's FileFox's refund policy?
FileFox does not offer refunds once file or page usage has occured on your account during the month. However, we offer refunds in certain situations.
If you forgot to cancel your monthly FileFox plan, and you haven't had any file or page usage, we'll give you a full refund up 30 days notice.
If you've purchased an annual plan and decided to cancel, contact us within 30 days of the purchase and we'll offer you a full refund.
If you've unintentionally been charged to your account with charges that are not associated with your current plan, you will be refunded.
If any of the above apply, please send an email to us at from the email linked to your account and with the title 'Billing Support'.